Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Directions on a Map

"Guess how we learned directions on a map!  We have to remember....Never Eat Soggy Waffles which stands for North, East, South, West."

Monday, November 26, 2012


"This girl in my class REALLY wishes she was a cat.  She always wants to "meow talk" and nobody ever knows what she's saying." 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nanna won't share

"There are 3 things my nanna won't share":

1.  Homemade canned relish
2.  Expensive candy
3.  Favorite chocolates

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Everyday I asked my son to write down everything he was thankful for that day...here is his list...Happy Thanksgiving to all!

1.  I'm thankful for my TV.
2.  I'm thankful we won our football game.  (It was the first game they have one in two years. Lots of celebration that day.)
3.  I'm thankful for my new shoes.  (After trying on many shoes and each one getting the 'running' test in the store, he finally settled for the perfect pair.)
4.  I'm thankful for Sunday chicken.  (I usually fix chicken for our lunch after church on Sunday.)
5.  I am thankful for getting out of school.
6.  I am thankful for getting alot of candy.  (He's still eating halloween candy.)
7.  I am thankful for my lip getting better.  (He's had chapped lips and it's finally getting better.)
8.  I am thankful for going to a TN game.   (He's remembering a football game that we tooks the kids to last year.)
9.  I am thankful for ice cream on Fridays.  (If he's good at school all week, his teach gives each child ice cream on Friday.)
10.  I am thankful for my yearbook.  (One of his favorite books to look at.)
11.  I am thankful for my two new library books.  (Diary of a wimpy kid and a Junie B Jones book.)
12.  I am thankful that my friend let me borrow his book.
13.  I am thankful for my mom.
14.  I am thankful for my dad.
15.  I am thankful for my house.
16.  I am thankful for my hot wheels and track.
17.  I am thankful for my Wii.
18.  I am thankful for my football.
19.  I am thankful for my 4 wheeler.
20.  I am thankful for our new living room.  (We re-arranged furniture in the living room.)
21.  I am thankful mom fixed me a strawberry pie.
22.  I am thankful I get to go to my nanna and papaw's house. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mustang or Mustang GT

"I wish it was a rule that everyone had to drive a Mustang or a Mustang GT then everyone could drive REAL fast!"

Monday, November 19, 2012


This morning was not fun at our house...daughter woke up in a bad mood...kids were fussing...just all round bad morning...after I dropped off daughter at school my son said...."Mom, don't worry about it...she's probably just upset cause we can't buy Twinkies anymore."

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Genghis Grill

Last night we ate a Genghis Grill.  It's a local restaurant where you go through a line and you pick out your raw meat and raw vegetables and the sauce you want your choices grilled in.  When the waitress brought my dinner that had been cooked, my son looked at my plate, pointed at something yellow and said, "why did you let them cook lemons to put on your chicken, Yuck!" 

"Son, that's not a lemon!  It's cooked yellow squash!" 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


After getting homework done and studying for test...."Mom, you just don't know how hard school is these days!"

***He's in the 3rd grade.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mr. Minute

"Today in Math class, I was "Mr. Minute" so if any body asked me a question they had to call me Mr. Minute before I could answer them.  And, my teacher picked a girl to be "Mrs. Hour"

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Books -Almond

I had to stop by Books-A-Million...son loved the store...for him to sit still and read is a miracle!  He's NEVER still or quiet.  When we left, he looks at the sign and said I love "Books  Al mond"

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Today we spent the day cleaning our house...sons job is to clean the mirror's in the bathrooms...when he finished cleaning them..."Mom, you need to add index to your grocery list."

Translation - we need more Windex

Friday, November 9, 2012

Clear Box

My sons best buddy's mom had her baby a few weeks early...he was excited that his friend was going to be a "big brother" again....I asked son how the baby was doing..."Mom, he's great!  He gets to sleep in a little clear box that you can see through!"

Translation - Baby sleeps in an incubator.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Did you hear that?

"Mom, did you hear that?"
"Hear what son?"
"I did a large, then a medium, then a small poot!"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Son had ball game...we had taken a change of clothes for him to change into after the game...he was in the back seat of the car and was supposed to be changing his clothes...I said, "Did you change?"...He said..."No, I forgot my money."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cotton Bowl Champs!

My son has played football for the last two years.  Unfortunately, both years have not been winning seasons.  However, this year his team won the "Cotton Bowl"!!  It was fun winning and getting the "big" trophy this year!  Congratulations to the "Murray Guard" team!

Receiving his trophy!
 Murray Guard Team!  Cotton Bowl Champs!